For 100 years, the Ruhr Regional Association (RVR) has been planning, building and shaping the Ruhr area for the well-being of the region and its people. It has the entire region in focus, beyond all city and district boundaries.
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The RVR Association area includes the cities of Bochum, Bottrop, Dortmund, Duisburg, Essen, Gelsenkirchen, Hagen, Hamm, Herne, Mülheim an der Ruhr and Oberhausen, and the administrative districts of Ennepe-Ruhr, Recklinghausen, Unna and Wesel, with a total of around 5.1 million residents.
The focus of the statutory duties of the RVR is the well-being of the Ruhr Metropolis: the Association acts as a networker, coordinator, initiator, service provider and project promoter for the Ruhr area in all relevant regional fields of activity.
The tasks and activities of the Association are governed by the RVR Act.
The RVR is responsible for regional planning in the Ruhr Metropolis, and is the owner of major infrastructure projects such as the “Industrial Heritage Trail” and the “Emscher Landscape Park”.
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The oldest core tasks of the RVR include the protection and maintenance of the environment by safeguarding open spaces. The RVR is also one of the largest municipal forest owners in Germany.
Its statutory duties also include regional business and tourism development, as well as public relations for the Ruhr Metropolis.
The RVR is a shareholder in numerous companies: it serves as sole shareholder, amongst others for Ruhr Tourismus GmbH (RTG), Business Metropole Ruhr GmbH (BMR), and the waste disposal company Abfallentsorgungsgesellschaft Ruhrgebiet mbH (AGR).
The Ruhr Regional Association (RVR) has its offices in Essen, and is a public body. It is financed by contributions from its members, and its projects are supported with funding from the state, the Federal Government and the EU.
Our tip:
In our online shop you can also find English-language brochures and information material on projects and activities of the Ruhr Regional Association. Take a look: