The RVR brings together people involved in education, science, business and society to make the region sustainable for the future.
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It initiates joint projects such as the Dual Career Network Ruhr. With regional partners like the Competence Field Metropolitan Research, the RVR makes the power of the Ruhr area in fields such as innovation and design visible on the international stage.
Local people can also experience education and science directly: in the course of WissensNacht Ruhr, universities and research institutions open their lecture theatres and laboratories every two years to young and old alike.
Educational practitioners and experts share ideas on good educational practice and learn from one another in the Ruhr Education Forums. The RVR is committed to lifelong learning, participates in further education conventions, and cooperates with the Chambers of Trade. In addition, the RVR offers interesting extracurricular learning options in environmental and forest-related education.
The actions of the RVR are based on data. In the regional statistics, the Ruhr Education Report and the regional education monitoring, the RVR makes the strengths and weaknesses of the education system transparent, thus creating a basis for joint action.